My rambling mind today takes me on a quick journey through my self isolation phase, thoughts about blogging (if I’m not being presumptuous in calling my humble bleating, blogging), and  golf being replayed in my mind. Getta life you might say. Well at this age you have to play with the hand you are dealt. Here are some of my Ramblings. I have come to grips with my self isolation I think. Although I started this, kind of tongue in cheek, I am now feeling committed. I do not think anyone expected me to follow thru. Personally I wouldn’t have bet on it either. The one key event that changed everything. was when they took away access to my golf cart, bastards!

I have vague memories of being outside, I faintly remember our boat, and Bubbaloo has not “taken me out” yet while I sleep. I can still find ways to irritate her, pretty much whenever I choose. I have now developed the start of a daily routine in order to help conquer the boredom. I haven’t been inside of a store for more than 18 days! Now that I find easy to do, although it’s got ol Bubbaloo going into withdrawal. Whenever we go for a ride, isolated in our car, I take her past some of her favourite places to let her have a small glimpse of her “happy place”. She gets a little nostalgic and once or twice I have seen a little tear bead up in the corner of her eye. She quickly brushes it away and puts on a brave face.

OMG can you imagine the shopping frenzy she will go into once our life returns to normal. An added benefit of going into isolation was that I felt that I would lose weight by not having beer a few times a week after golf. Well I’m still waiting for that to happen. We have managed to keep our intake of calories up. She put up a years supply of provisions before this all started and I am now predicting a store run within the next few weeks.

Noticing my nostalgia whenever golf or beer is mentioned she even offered to sit around the table, have a beer and chew the fat. Not bloody likely I think! First of all I only have 6 beer in stock. Isolation came on me so fast that I did not have time to stock up. While rounding up our quarantine supplies it seemed beer was somehow overlooked. These six I am saving in case this situation gets worse. Secondly Bubbaloo is NOT fun to drink with! She does not grasp the concept of getting silly like a kid, exaggerating your accomplishments and conquests of the past, laughing at things that, in other times, might not seem so funny, losing all sense of time, slurring your speech, perhaps stumbling around a bit and then feeling sick for the next couple of days. Nothing about the process interests or amuses her. Therefore she will not be having an old boys session with me. Not unless I fall ill and am incapacitated and cannot fend her “old boys” session off. 

This effort at blogging for the last week has been a godsend. For me it is somewhere to focus my obsessive compulsive personality on. For her it saves having to listen to me ranting and raving and talking about the good old days, for hours and hours each day. It has tested my brain to its limits and thus far I have made it to about page three in the beginners manual of internet blogging. I have quit 3 times and started 4 times. I might have even let out a minor cuss or two. I have a new respect for geeks.

I come to find, they do indeed speak a different language. One that I cannot understand. Although it looks like English, it is not. Geeks from Canada can speak to the same in China, Mexico and Afghanistan like brothers/sisters and completely understand each other. Their humor comes from thousands of lonely hours locked in a room scarfing Doritos and shooting endless space craft and boogeymen out of the sky. At the end of this they get seriously into their computers and try to see who or what they can rip off. Or, alternatively, they go to work and become your local IT guy. You know, the guy who despises you and every question your pee brain can come up with.

After three days locked down, I kinda feel for these people. My god I coulda been one if I knew how much fun it was to look down on normal people. I have even tried practicing some of my best IT sarcasm on Bubbaloo. She just gives me the look, turns and stomps off giving me the old Inca Stone Face for the next few hours. Which lasts until I crawl up, and beg forgiveness, all the while agreeing my faults an shortcomings. And I ramble on ………..

That is my share, her’s is on the next shelf down. Everyday I go down to count them. Damn I hope this pandemic ends soon. One of these days I will be tempted to have one. Well you know what happens next. They all will be gone in one shot. I’ll be in shit (again) and there will be no hope of replacing them. Oh my self control is being tried to the MAX.


  • Ange

    I did have the foresight to stock up on wine. Ron sent me a good joke that said:

    “This quarantine proves that you don’t need fun to have alcohol”.


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